Volunteering in Bermuda

Despite being a well developed and economically strong country, Bermuda still offers its fair share of volunteering opportunities to those interested in lending a helping hand. The help provided by international volunteers is very much appreciated and encouraged.

Some volunteering programmes in Bermuda focus on improving the local community. Teachers and health care professionals are highly sought after, but people without specific skills can also offer their help for a number of causes, such as caring for children or the elderly. Construction projects are also organised in the area, given the fact that tropical storms sometimes affect the local infrastructure.

If you feel like your skills could benefit the functioning of a local organisation, you can volunteer to work with various Bermuda institutions as an IT specialist, marketing expert, HR staff member, or finance and strategy specialists.

There are also a large number of volunteering programmes in Bermuda that focus on the environment, such as cleaning the coastlines or protecting the reefs, just to name a few. You can even volunteer as a dolphin trainer, provided that you have some experience in the field. Some programmes will also include diving lessons, so you might still be able to apply for some activities, even if you haven’t dived before.

If you’re looking for support for your volunteering programme in Bermuda, you can contact the Centre of Philanthropy, a local institution in charge with sustaining and supporting volunteering efforts in the area.