Volunteer in Laos

There’s a reason Laos rhymes with wow. Where else would you find fancy French architecture, super-smiley orange-clad monks, crazy caves filled with hundred of Buddha statues, meandering rivers, delicious banana pancakes and really cheap beer? Laos is like a little undiscovered jewel in South East Asia’s glittering crown; make tracks before it’s busier than the pub during O-Week.

Laos is one of the least developed countries and such there are numerous ways to volunteer in Laos. Projects extend from conservation, to ecology, health care, teaching and orphanage work. Working with children can be one of the most gratifying jobs, and when that job is located in a UNESCO world heritage site in Luang Praband, Laos, it makes it that much more amazing.

Volunteers integrate arts and crafts lessons to help children develop and build self confidence through arts. No formal experience or education is required only pre-requisites are enthusiasm and creativity.

It is common for young men in Laos to become monks so they can have access to cheap education provided here and avoid poverty. The teachers at these institutes are spread thin, so volunteering in Laos provides an opportunity to make a difference. Volunteers get to work with the novice monks in temple schools and learn about Lao culture, food, history, and visit local sights on the banks of Mekong River. 

Community construction projects are another option. Volunteers work on construction and renovation of educational facilities. The work can involve maintenance work, refurbishing, laying cement, digging well or making bricks. Weekends are free to explore the area visiting nearby temples, take elephant tour or swim in nearby waterfalls.

Community based voluntourism in Laos is another great way to see the country and give something back to the country. Located in the northern region of Laos, volunteers can help seven villages organize and market their tourist oriented products. Responsible tourism helps to reduce poverty of the region while volunteers get to live like locals taking part in everyday tasks. Volunteers can also teach English in the village schools and aid the community.