Volunteer in Mauritius

Volunteering is generally an experience that can create a lifetime of bonds and memories. IN Mauritius, volunteering can be even more rewarding as entry into the country is not complicated. The relatively relaxed policies on entry for foreigners allow you to enlist for a volunteer program and get to visit Mauritius.

Many visitors to Mauritius have taken to the increasingly popular pass time of watching dolphins. Researchers interested in the effect of increased human presence on these sea mammals often enlist volunteers to help with monitoring. The organization known as the Mauritius Dolphin conservation project is located within Tamarin Bay, which is the habitat of approximately 60 bottlenose dolphins.

In addition to the dolphins, the Mauritius Wildlife Foundation (MWF) also regularly enlists volunteers to assist with a wide variety of tasks. Among of the main tasks volunteers engage include tree planting and marine reptile recovery. The registration process is simple and forms for registration can be downloaded from the MWF website. The foundation has volunteer activities that run all through the year.

The Protection of Animals Welfare Society or PAWS is an active organization in Mauritius that can provide suitable volunteer opportunities for interested applicants. Aiesec also has many programs operational in Mauritius and may be a good place to begin exploring volunteering in the country. Aiesec enlist volunteers in projects involving under privileged children, awareness creation (HIV, wildlife and conservation, marine ecosystems, etc.), drug abuse, IT instruction, and sustainable development among others. In addition to spectacular sites, Mauritius could easily be the best volunteer location based on flexible policy and variety of options.