Environmental and Conservation Volunteering

Volunteers beach

Do you have a passion for the natural world? Are you fascinated by mother nature and want to do you bit to protect some of the most bio-diverse, yet threatened ecological areas of the world? Join amazing environmental and conservation programs around the world.

Best Environmental and Conservation Volunteer Programs

Where You Can Help

Do your part in protecting the wondrous flora and fauna of Mother Earth. Become a volunteer and help save the planet – literally! Opportunities are available in countries like: Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nepal and South Africa – just to name some.

Climate Change Projects

The long term goal of some projects is to investigate the effects of climate change on biodiversity and the subsequent implications of climate change upon protected areas. Projects usually address four important questions in order to safeguard the future economically and biologically important natural heritage:

  • What effect is global warming having on the biodiversity within systems of protected areas?
  • What future effect is global warming likely to have on the biodiversity within systems of protected areas?
  • Is there adequate existing connectivity between habitat blocks, and within the Mesoamerican hotspot as a whole, to allow ecosystem migration?
  • What conservation efforts can and need to be put in place to ensure the continued existence, where possible, of the ecosystems which typify the natural habitats?


Volunteers must be at least 18 years old and need to have a good understanding of English. A love of the natural world and a desire to help protect it is essential, along with an affinity for being outdoors. Working outdoors can be hard so volunteers need to be physically fit, have a positive attitude and a willingness to help in many areas.

How to apply

To apply to any of these amazing programs just complete an online application form. Someone will usually get back to you within 24 hours, it’s that easy!