Volunteer in Cambodia

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

A country that’s seen its fair share of crumby times, Cambodia is now loudly (and proudly) stamping its feet like an impatient kid waiting to be noticed. Why? IT’S BEAUTIFUL!

The people are friendly and the sights are epic; one minute you’re watching the sunrise at Angkor Wat, the next you’re commando rolling along the ground towards the next beautiful, haunting, ye olde tomb a la Lara Croft.

The beaches are chill-worthy, the food yum and the vibe blissful, making it the perfect place to hang in free time.

How You Can Help

Hello (or, “soos-die” as they say in Cambodia)!

If you are looking to volunteer in south east Asia authentically, Cambodia is the place for you! Since the end of the Khmer Rouge in the late ’90’s, this country’s people have worked hard to move on with their lives, despite the many memories and reminders of the holocaust that occurred here between 1975 and 1979.

The countryside is gorgeous, not to mention the temples: one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Siem Reap.

Besides the delicious food and the wonderful cultural opportunities, one of the best reasons to come to Cambodia is to VOLUNTEER! There are countless street children, orphans, land mine victims, and impoverished people to help. There are hundreds of NGO’s that need as much help as they can get and most orphanages are eager to have people volunteer their time to teach English, play with kids, hold babies, or do other projects.

If you have time (and making some will be one of the best things you can do with your time here), then find something you’re interested in and get involved.

Popular Projects

Help Children
You have the opportunity to work alongside local staff at schools, community centres and orphanages in Cambodia. The home is basic, underdeveloped and in need of volunteers to assist.

These children need love and attention, and assistance with education and developing their life skills. Providing the children with the essential skills in life will help them on their way to successful futures free from poverty, filled with the same opportunities as others.

As a volunteer you will help care for and mentor the children. During the day the children will attend school, during this time you will assist with the general running duties of the home. You may also choose to spend time assisting at the local school. After school you will assist with homework and tutoring.

Volunteers are also encouraged to initiate activities such as dance, music, games, sports, arts, and crafts. This role is suitable for a caring, motivated, and self-directed person who has a love for children and a willingness to get involved.

There are opportunities to work alongside locals to assist on farming programs.

The land belongs to the children’s home and is used to grow food for the children and generate income to support the running of the children’s home; excess produce is to be sold locally. Duties will include weeding, planting, watering and harvesting.

This is not a full time project; you will have plenty of time to spend with the children in the orphanage. This role it suitable for volunteers with experience in growing crops or gardening, and for those with green fingers and a readiness to get involved.

Please note that activities will vary according to season and need at the time of your placement.

Many schools in Cambodia are currently struggling with overcrowded classes and a lack of skilled teachers. As a teaching volunteer you will help to empower girls and boys by giving them the skills they need for the future and to make their voice heard.

There are opportunities for volunteers to assist with teaching in the following:

• Pre-School (4-5 year olds)
• Primary School (6-11 year olds)
• Junior Secondary School (12-14 year olds)

Subjects range from language and literacy, maths, science, computer skills, environmental studies, physical development, and psychosocial skills to creative activities such as music, dance, and art.

This program does not include a training process, therefore the volunteer is expected to be able to conduct classes independently or assist teachers in the classroom.

A teaching qualification is usually not required but volunteers need to be confident in the above subjects and preferably have or be studying towards a university degree. Your level of experience will determine the age group that you work with.


Start dates
All year round.

Cost of living
Cambodia is one of the cheapest countries in Asia.

As a volunteer you might live with a host family which is an excellent opportunity to be part of the Cambodian way of life. Living with a family is also a great way to learn more about the people, culture and country. Private accommodation can also be booked.

Feedback & Reviews

“I have to admit my heart is still in Cambodia. It was a life-enhancing and truly unforgettable experience.” – Lucy, Teacher