Volunteer options in Kazakhstan are varied in nature. English is in great demand making cultural homestay volunteer programs highly successful. The volunteer agrees to spend fifteen hours a week giving English lessons to a host family in return for room and board. The lessons are typically conducted three hours a day five days a week with the rest of the time off to explore the surroundings. The host family usually wants to learn English as a second language and needs the practice speaking to a native English speaker. Some U.S. colleges and universities even give credit for the number of hours taught perhaps your university can also be persuaded to do the same.
Another exchange program connects volunteers with hosts who have small holdings and are looking for help. The volunteer offers help in any capacity on the farm and in return learns about organic lifestyles. The Kazakhstan volunteer also gets free room and board.
Different charities need volunteers in Kazakhstan to carry out a variety of tasks. No specific skills are required, as volunteers are placed according to where they fit or in the area of interest. Help is typically needed in things like loading trucks, processing food for distribution, translating English/Kazakh/Russian, Administration work, handyman jobs and photography.
Various universities at times request volunteers to help carry out field work. Archaeological investigations carried out by universities use volunteers to help map land, collect paleodata. The program also includes open-air lectures in archaeology. The program lasts for two weeks.