Volunteer in Pakistan

There are a large number of international and local NGOs operating in Pakistan that work in a large variety of fields.

Spirit of volunteerism is very visible in the country and it is customary for students to volunteer during the summer holidays to earn certificates which add value when students are ready to apply to colleges. Typical areas requiring volunteer aide include orphanages, health related facilities, and non-profit educational facilities. Teachers of English Language are especially in demand.

There are large numbers of international organizations that operate in the northern areas of the country. This part of the country has beautiful mountainous valleys but the basic infrastructure is somewhat lacking, and the locals rather poor. Projects like community development and education are frequently run by international organizations in this area.

Occasionally the United Nations Volunteer program assigns volunteers as Outreach and Capacity Development Officers with locally based NGOs. Issues focused on include emotional and psychological health, violence against women, gender equality etc.

There is a very large disparity between the haves and have nots in Pakistan, and certain portions of society face high levels of poverty. Many children are forced to become street beggars and a large number of children face economic exploitation. There are opportunities to work with children from this sector of society for the betterment of their lives.