Give up coffee for 11 days and head to the land of tea – Sri Lanka’s FULL of it. You know what else it’s full of? Pretty much everything anyone could want out of a volunteer break.
Epic beaches, jungles aplenty, elephants just strolling around like it ain’t no thang. Add exceptional food, cheap beer, and some of the friendliest people on the planet and you’ve got yourself a winner.
Sri Lanka’s seen some pretty hard times over the years (such as the Civil War and, more recently, tsunamis), which has kept travellers away. But, like the nerd in the 90s rom com, Sri Lanka’s taking off its glasses, shaking out its ponytail, and revealing itself as the beautiful babe it really is.
Volunteers can work with wildlife like elephants or at reserves located along Sri Lanka’s coasts, helping endangered turtles. Volunteers will be working on nightly beach patrols, tagging and relocating nests to nurseries amongst other tasks. There are also opportunities to volunteer in childcare, construction, teaching, healthcare and ecological programs.