Volunteer in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered unparalleled destruction to its infrastructure and economy due to the civil wars in the 1990s. Almost half of the private homes in the country were destroyed and millions of people displaced. Helping these people rebuild their homes and lives can be a very fulfilling experience. Volunteers from around the world can select from a wide range of sectors to serve in.

One worthwhile social work project that requires volunteers is located in Brcko, Bosnia. Volunteers help to run various workshops in music, art and sports during the summer. The project ends with performances in the annual summer camps in August. Volunteers work with local youth helping them to develop skills in sports, dance and drama.

Besides social welfare projects, building projects require immediate volunteers. While such projects require tiring manual labour you get to see the results of your labour immediately. Everyone from a layman to professional engineers, carpenters, electricians and even architects can contribute to such building projects. Since such projects are located in different parts of the country, the volunteers usually stay with a host family. This allows volunteers to experience local hospitality, cuisine, build strong, lasting friendships and explore the surroundings in their free time.

Teaching English in rural schools to children who may otherwise never be able to learn the language is another great way to get to know about the Bosnia and Herzegovina culture first hand. Teaching projects too can be located anywhere in the country. So just pick out a town you would like to visit and volunteer for a few weeks or months!