Volunteer in Monaco

Volunteering is the best way to visit a glamorous country like Monaco. Many local NGOs welcome volunteer workers to help teach English, work in healthcare projects, environmental projects or orphanages.

Monaco has an aging population and there is a desperate shortage of healthcare workers. Local NGOs need volunteer healthcare workers to look after the elderly. Volunteers can work with the elderly taking them for outings, dispensing their medication, cooking for them or accompanying them to doctor’s visits. This type of work does not require any special training, just the willingness to help.

Many NGOs need help raising funds to run their programs. Volunteers are needed to organize fund raising activities, managing these activities, and administrative help in running the NGO. Work in such organizations allows volunteers to gain confidence, work with people of different backgrounds and gain knowledge and experience.

Many international companies take advantage of the no income tax policy of Monaco and set up businesses in the country. This provides opportunities for ambitious young individuals willing to volunteer their time in return for the experience of working in a multinational organization.

Unpaid internships are not uncommon in Monaco, you just have to make an effort and find a position. While international experience in any field speaks volumes on a graduate school application, experience in the field of study will put you ahead of all competition. Such experience is also highly beneficial for landing that all important first job.