Family Volunteering Abroad

Sri Lanka elephants

The Best Volunteer Programs team includes dedicated staff with the sole focus of facilitating the placement of volunteers and supporting the work of our partners.

We aim to provide you with all the resources, support, and information you will need to take part in a successful and rewarding volunteer program with your family.

Reasons to Volunteer Abroad with Your Family

For many volunteers, the desire to learn about and be a part of another culture is closely tied to their own connection with family and friends. A number of people have chosen to volunteer with those close to them at home — friends, classmates, colleagues, or other members of local volunteer organizations, and found great satisfaction in sharing their experiences.

Volunteered as a family is a unique opportunity to bond together in an adventure that shares travel, volunteering and immersion in another culture. Volunteer abroad programs provide the greatest flexibility — with options is a number of countries and so many different programs to choose from.

There are flexible start dates year-round, and personalized volunteer work placements that match each individuals interests and skills. For those with limited vacation time, short term one-week programs are an opportunity for the whole family to travel deep into the heart of a community and immediately step into the rhythm of its daily life.

We believe that volunteering abroad can be life-changing for all who experience it, but perhaps this is even more true for volunteer families with young family members who are just starting to form their views of the world. We welcome the opportunity to help children and teenagers experience other cultures and participate in meaningful volunteer work.

When participating with a group, sometimes discounts are available depending on the number of people participating in a program.

Types of Projects

There are a wide variety of project options there’s something for everyone. Projects include working with children, teaching, construction, conservation, wildlife, medical, HIV/Aids, peace cells, women’s empowerment, and organic farming.

You can book volunteer programs in so many countries throughout South America, Africa, Asia and worldwide. Each project is assessed by our expert staff, based on the needs of the community and suitability for international volunteers.

You can apply direct to local projects e.g. NGO’s and charities, or apply for a structured experience with an international sending agency.


“I thought it would be best for the boys to do some volunteer work with children, believing that my kids would best open their minds if they could see themselves in the faces of those they were helping … [Since our return] my children now know that with a small act of unselfish kindness, they made a huge impact. My kids learned about dignity, compassion and integrity. Ryan and Monty came home knowing they had made a difference. Mission Accomplished!” – Chris, Peru volunteer who traveled with family