Volunteer on Farms Abroad

Are you interested in volunteering in farming or agriculture? Farm work can include activities such as tending, cattle, horses, sheep and related tasks. In many cases a volunteer in such projects is housed by the family and will get a first-hand look into alternative lifestyles. On many such farms a days’ work involves milking cattle, cleaning sheds, feeding animals, driving and operating tractors and other farm machinery. Some farms also provide lots of space for other activities like riding motorbikes and many other outdoor activities.


Volunteers are thus cautioned to be wary of anything that could pose a risk to their documents. It may be worth mentioning that Willing Work on Organic farms commonly known as WWOOF is considered work in some countries and as such does not fall within the boundaries of volunteering. Such workers require valid work documents based on the fact they are offered food and accommodation.

Accommodation, food and allowance

Some volunteers might have their own room in a flat provided by the farm which is usually shared with another volunteer and/or staff. Some people might live with a host family. Accommodation varies from place to place but it is generally comfortable. In some more rural locations volunteers might be camping. Each placement usually provide a weekly allowance and food or an allowance that includes food costs.