Volunteer in Orphanages Abroad

Volunteers painting

Best Orphanage Volunteering Programs

Reviews & Feedback

“Working at the oprhanage was fantastic! Going to bath-time in the morning, as well as afternoon activity time and evening bath-time were the main parts of your day. In the spare time around those activities, you could help out with laundry or on the farm, or spend the time going to the local market or internet cafe or just relaxing in the volunteer house, perhaps fetching water from the well. It was very laid back and you could do as much or as little as you wanted. The children are adorable and very loving, and so we liked to arrange things like day trips to the beach or sports days every so often which they get VERY excited about!” – Francesca

“We volunteered at an orphanage called C’ite D’Enfants, better known as ASPECA. ASPECA is a French organization with orphanages all over Cambodia… our experience volunteering was enriching and enlightening. We had no idea what an orphanage was like and were surprised to find the children to be extremely happy, inquisitive, and loving. I saw a lot of smiles, playing, and kindness. In my English classes, I was constantly surprised by the ambition and work ethic of the students. Many of them wanted to be doctors, scientists, or teachers! I felt that the nurturing environment at ASPECA has made it possible for these children to realistically dream big and I was honored to be a part of their journey into adulthood.

I highly recommend volunteering ASPECA because they let you be as involved as you want to be. A German traveler spent two weeks at ASPECA and actually spent each full day at the orphanage and slept there. She is committed to returning later to volunteer for three solid months because she enjoyed her experience so much. If you’re interested in staying on-site, the staff is more than willing to accommodate you. Many of the local NGO workers stop by daily to spend time with the kids, who are happy and really seem to thrive in the beautiful and caring space the orphanage has been able to provide. These NGO workers are great resources for future volunteer work. Another place to find out about opportunities is at the Sunrise Café, a cozy Western – run dive with amazing food. It’s the place for expats and travelers alike. You can find it in the Cambodia Lonely Planet or ask anyone when you get there.

Baht, ASPECA’s English teacher, was eager to get to know us and he invited us to his family’s home, where they cooked us a delicious meal and spent quality time with my husband and me. Encounters like this are common in Cambodia if you are open and willing to accept an invitation. I find that most travelers who volunteer there end up having a much more fascinating adventure.” – Demetria